Pictures by JskyphotographyThe face of Hollyoaks has changed dramatically over the past few years, but back in the day our TV sets were lit up by the role of Darlene Taylor; a fiesty character played by actress Sarah Lawrence. Sarah Lawrence left Hollyoaks in 2006 after playing her principle role for 4 years to embark on a real life role as a mother. I caught up with her, and son CJ for an interview and some photos.Do you miss working on Hollyoaks?Yes, I do miss working there. You can spend up to 18 hours a day with them on set. I was there for 4 years and we became such a little family, but I'm still in contact with the cast and we sometimes meet up for the odd night out.
Do you still watch it?I do flick over from time to time, but I don't really get to watch it like I used to.
What was it like being in the calendar? How did you cope with the level of attention it gave you?The calendar shoots were always so much fun. My character was really young so I never got to spend time with the actresses who played the older characters (even though we were all the same age). It was nice to spend a couple of days abroad with them all. We shot my last calendar in Ibiza and we had such a giggle!
What's the best thing about being a mum?I don't think I could honestly say what the best thing is. Everyday is always "the best". He is probably my greatest achievement and we have an incredible bond. Not many people realise but I left Hollyoaks when I was 8 months pregnant, so I didn't have much time to rest inbetween the show and actually having him. He's showing signs of wanting to be an actor now too. I'm a very proud mummy.
How old is CJ now? Seems like he has grown up so fast....He's 5 now, and yes the time has flown by. He's so smart. He can read, write and he comes out with the most intelligent things. It really is true when other parents say "they grow up so fast" because it still feels like yesterday when I was carrying him home from the hospital.
What has been the hardest thing about bringing him up?I constantly worry about how my life affects him, because his life and his development is literally in my hands. I'm very protective over him and he see's the world as one big adventure, whereas as an adult we know what the world is really like.
How do you find juggling a social life with being a mum?I try not to let my social life affect him. He is my whole life and I try to be as balanced as possible. I can't be as spontaneous as a lot of my friends but I don't really see that as an issue. End of the day I'm not 18 anymore and I love having that responsibility and I have a fantastic support system around me with my family and CJ's Dad. They all have a hand in his upbringing.
How close are you with you own mother? She must be the proudest Grandmother.....My mum is a legend. I'm an only child and she always wanted more kids, so she has an amazing bond with CJ. I was very overwhelmed when I first had him, as every first time mum can understand, and she helped me when I needed her and was always on hand for me if I ever struggled. She spoils him rotten and is very much the proud Grandma.
I've known you for about 2 years now. What do you think of Jsky? (be as honest as you like)Hmmmmmm...There's only one word I could use to describe you...fabulous! I think we have highs and lows, but no matter what I think we've always been there for each other. You don't stay friends for 2 years by accident and we always have an incredible laugh!
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